SAG Meetings and Events

Contact us for more details on these events. Note: Annual calendar will be completed at the January. Grotto meetings are normally held at 7:30 PM on Saturday with caving before and or after.

Grotto Meeting1/25/25McCloud
Grotto Meeting2/22/25McCloud
Grotto Meeting3/29/25Yreka
Grotto Meeting4/26/25McKinley’s
Grotto Meeting5/12-17/25Lava Beds Camping Contact Liz if interested
Grotto Meeting6/23-28/25Hat Creek Campout (at Hat Creek Campground)
NSS Convention6/21-28/25Cobleskill, NY
Grotto Meeting7/21-26/25Dry Camp Medicine Lake Highlands
Marbles8/18-26/25Contact Steve for mule reservations
Grotto Meeting
Western RegionTBDCaliforniaHosted by San Joaquin Grotto?
Grotto Meeting
Grotto Meeting
Grotto MeetingWhite  Elephant, Potluck, nominations for officers

Western Region Meeting Hosts